Sigurd Harcourt | Xenogears

Sigurd HarcourtName: Sigurd Harcourt
A.K.A.: Sigurd
Birthplace: Norn, Aveh
Age: 29
Date of Birth: 9970
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 183 lbs
Specialty: Whips
Gear: N/A

Sigurd is the right-hand man of Bart, and First Mate of the Yggdrasil. He was born in the remote Aveh province of Norn, to Shalimar Harcourt and Edbart Fatima (Bart's father). He is the product of an affair between the two, and while his mother made sure he knew exactly who his family was, he was kept in Norn to protect both he and his father. When he was eleven, his mother sent him to Bledavik to work in the palace, and made him promise not to reveal his true identity to the king. She died after he left, but Sigurd kept his vow.

When Sigurd was at thirteen years of age, he was kidnapped and taken up to Solaris as a sample, presumably as a representative of Norn. He was in the labs for two years, but when he was fifteen, they handed him over to Jugend freshly brainwashed and ready to be trained. It is also worth noting that he and Midori are two of the characters in the game known to have extra-sensory abilities.

At Jugend, Sigurd was a cadet along with Kahran Ramsus, Miang Hawwa, Hyuga Ricdeau, Jessiah "Jesse" Black, and Isaac Stein. He was also an honor student, and when he graduated he joined Jesiah's new group and became the Fire Element.

At first, Sigurd stood with Ramsus' ideals but after Solaris' brainwashing finally wore off and upon knowing about the coup in Aveh, he got fed up with Solaris' system and left Ramsus and the others behind to return home. Despite being an outsider with his own family in Bledavik, he was very loyal to them. He arrived in Aveh in time to help Maison rescue Bart and Margie from Shakhan.

From that point forward, Sigurd dedicated his life to protecting Bart and Margie, teaching the young prince what he would need to know to rule. His intention was to restore Bart to the throne someday. He keeps his past and his identity a secret from Bart, but his loyalty is unquestionable.

Sig and Bart both lost one eye in an accident on the Yggdrasil a few years before the game. He also acts as the right-hand man to Bart Fatima and as First Mate of the Yggdrasil.


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